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October 23, 2016 2 min read

Babies love to nurse, and sometimes they like to nurse non-stop. Often, they want to nurse when we have things to do or are out and about. (There's nothing like mama comfort, right?) Because all 3 of my babies have been avid comfort nursers, I've had to master the art of nursing in public with hands free to be able to supervise my other kids.  Enter: Beluga Baby Wrap! This wrap is one of the most comfortable carriers to nurse in because of the 4 way stretch. Can you believe that I'm nursing in this photo below? Scroll down because I'm going to share a few nursing tips!

  1. I pull my top down and my breast out instead of pulling my shirt up. But don't worry! The side pass will keep you covered if you prefer privacy!
  2. Lean forward while supporting your baby's back to allow gravity to give the wrap a little stretch while you establish a latch. Sometimes I do a little shake to really get my breast in between us for a latch. 
  3. I like to wear Juliette very high up when out and about, but when I need to nurse, I temporarily loosen and re-tie the knot so that she can be more "boob-level." Though I'm am smaller framed, I am a bit busty so I find that this helps a lot!
  4. If she falls asleep nursing, I tighten it back up while she's latched. 
  5. Need to adjust your latch? I sneak my hand into the wrap through the side instead of into the wrap from the top as the side panel allows for very discreet nursing. Most people can't even tell that I'm nursing!
I hope these tips are helpful for you! Nursing in a wrap is easy once you get the hang of it, and it makes going out so much easier for us!  These opinions are my own, and the post is not sponsored. I truly wanted to share these tips as I get asked all the time! Make sure you check out Beluga Baby below! Instagram: @shopbelugababy Shop:  www.belugababy.ca Facebook: Beluga Baby